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The Leading Impact Teams Coaching Handbook is a great compliment to the Leading Impact Teams: Building a Culture of Efficacy Publication by Dr. Paul Bloomberg and Barb Pitchford.  This coaching handbook is a great resource for teams invested in expanding student ownership and agency. 

  • Expand deeper learning outcomes

  • Coach model teams to success

  • Design Impact Team inquiry

  • Strengthen peer facilitation

Authors:  Dr. Paul Bloomberg and Barb Pitchford

Teachers are a school’s greatest resource. Excellent teachers make excellent schools. Leading Impact Teamstaps into the scheduled team planning time every school already has, and repurposes it in a model that provides the processes needed to build teacher expertise and increase student learning. The model combines two existing practices, formative assessment and collaborative inquiry, and promotes a school culture in which teachers and students are partners in learning. Readers will learn how to:

  • Build a culture of efficacy

  • Take collective action based on the Visible Learning Synthesis

  • Embed student-centered assessment into classroom culture

  • Clarify learning goals for success criteria 

  • Leverage progressions of learning for "just right" instruction

  • Utilize evidence-based feedback

Authors:  Dr. Paul Bloomberg and Barb Pitchford

Despite the best efforts of equity leaders, our schools suffer from persistent inequities. Guiding the Journey to Excellence with Equity is a must-read for anyone who supports professional learning in our schools. It defines a process of "inside-out" growth that helps develop culturally proficient educators with the facilitation skills needed to navigate the obstacles that arise during equity transformations. Written with an equity lens, this book:

  • Includes a powerful vignette that illustrates common challenges and solutions 

  • Focuses on mental models for managing group energy 

  • Is grounded in a systems model for personal and organizational transformation 

  • Provides tools for planning culturally proficient learning experiences


Author: John Krownapple

The Empowered Learner Student-Centered Assessment Toolkit, the product of a wonderful collaboration between The Core Collaborative and Schoolwide, Inc., has been developed to create clarity in the classroom regarding standards-based instruction for students and teachers. When formative assessment is “done right,” students can identify where they are in their learning, where they need to go, and how they will get there. 

  • ​Vertical learning progressions

  • Formative tasks and holistic rubrics for self and peer assessment

  • Goal setting 

  • Learning continuums

  • Student friendly learning targets

Authors:  Dr. Paul Bloomberg, Sarah Stevens, Loan Mascorro

Research shows that "teacher collective efficacy" can increase student learning more than any other strategy. In fact, using powerhouse teams can achieve four years of student growth in a single calendar year. Horton’s practical guide offers:

  • Short activities that require little to no preparation that you can use to deepen conversation at your very next meeting 

  • Step-by-step tools to help your team move from identifying its biggest challenges to choosing and implementing successful reforms

  • Strategies to enhance teamwork, trust, and collaboration so your team becomes as effective as possible


Author: Dr. David Horton

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