Amplify Learner Voice pushes back against traditional assessment and grading practices that continue to be an inequitable endeavor for our nation’s learners; traditional classroom practices continue to sort and label students by characterizing them by "what they need to work on" or ‘lack.'
In this book, seven authors and The Core Collaborative’s partner schools reimagine formative assessment through an asset-based, cultural lens to make a greater impact on learning and our shared humanity.

From the Authors

Meet The Authors
Hamilton, EdS
Connie Hamilton Ed.S. has more than two decades in education as teacher, instructional coach, elementary/secondary principal and K-12 district administrator. She is an international educational consultant and presenter, and the author of five books for teachers and leaders, including the best seller, Hacking Questions.
Isaac Wells
Isaac Wells is the Director of Professional Learning with the Core Collaborative. Prior to his work at The Core Collaborative, he worked as a School Improvement Specialist and Instructional Coach for Henderson County Public Schools in North Carolina. He is able to transform research into practice and demonstrates this daily with the districts, schools, teachers, and students he serves.
Vivett Dukes is a Partner Consultant with The Core Collaborative. To Vivett, education is and will always be the key to improvement in all areas of life for members of the African diaspora and that equity in education coupled with mass incarceration are two of the biggest civil rights assaults facing our society currently.
How do we take the theory of learner agency that is alive and growing in a school system and make it a reality?

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