In this episode of AuthorED & InspirEd, I get to speak with Barb Pitchford co-author of LEADING IMPACT TEAMS: Building a Culture of Efficacy. Barb’s passion and candor come through as it pertains to our need to empower both students and teachers to create environments that thrive using the formative process.

Here is a short summary of the book:
Teachers are a school’s greatest resource. Excellent teachers make excellent schools. Leading Impact Teams taps into the team planning time every school already has scheduled and repurposes it to build teacher expertise in developing student ownership and agency. The Impact Team Model promotes a school culture in which teachers and students are partners in learning.
If you’re interested in learning more about Barb’s work with the Core Collaborative, check out the Impact Team model here.

Author bio:
Barb Pitchford has been a professional educator for more than forty years. Her varied experiences include teaching in elementary and middle schools, counseling at all three levels, and for the majority of her career, working as a building administrator at all three levels. As an education consultant, Barb has developed a passion for and expertise in building high impact-teams that focus on developing student-centered classrooms in which student efficacy and ownership thrive.