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Often when authors write there is some deeper connection to the work they are writing about that can be gleaned from the pages of the manuscript. AuthorED & InspirED is a short format interview show meant to help readers connect with authors. 


During our informal conversations, we’re hoping to give authors a chance to share their "Why:"

  • Why do they care so deeply about the work they write about? 

  • What do they hope readers will take away? 

  • How do they hope to contribute to education as a whole?

Each conversation is unique to the author and often winds up in unexpected places. Watch these fun interviews and learn more about your favorite education authors.

If you’re an author and you’d like to be interviewed on AuthorED & InspirED, you can email host Starr Sackstein at Starr Sackstein is the Publisher of Mimi & Todd Press and the author of several educational books such as Hacking Assessment, Peer Feedback in the Classroom and Teaching Students to Self-Assess.

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Coming Soon:

Episode 1: Dr. Alan Daly

In this episode of AuthorED and InspirED, author and professor Alan Daly shares about the necessity of relationships we share with people and how those networks impact our access to everything.

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